Aboriginal Regional Development
Contact: Sharon.kingaby@lchs.com.au  

Ph: 0447 415 001

The Aboriginal Development Officer (ADO) supports CHSP and HACC-PYP funded organisations and their staff to improve access to services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through culturally responsive services. ADOs also support Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) to provide services in their communities.

The ADO role includes:

  • Coordinating bi-monthly Network for Aboriginal Disability and Aged Care (NADAC) meetings for Aboriginal CHSP and HACC PYP staff to discuss policy that impacts on Aboriginal clients as well as triumphs and trials

  • Facilitating communication between NADAC and state-wide Victorian Committee for Aboriginal Aged Care and Disability (VCAACD)

  • Supporting the development of partnerships between ACCOs and mainstream CHSP and HACC-PYP providers. 


Videos for Elders - produced by VCAACD

Significant Dates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2023

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program

Acknowledgement of Country/Welcome to Country - and the difference

Ensuring a safe, respectful and welcoming service

Black Pages - a directory of Indigenous services and support in Gippsland

Working with the Stolen Generations: understanding trauma

Accessing My Aged Care videos

Our Care Our Way, 5-Year Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care 2021-2026 (Summary)