Building Social Inclusion Forum Session 1

Aunty Sandra Nielsen & Jane Anderson
- Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 1


Cheryl Luke - Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 1


Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 1 - Full video


Building Social Inclusion Forum Session 2

Aunty Cheryl Drayton & Dr Michelle Lim
Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 2


Justine Kleeman - Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 2


Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 2 - Full video


Building Social Inclusion Forum Session 3

Melissa McDevitt-Weston & Ilsa Hampton - Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 3


Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 3 - Full Video


Building Social Inclusion Forum- Session 4

Angela Chittem, Judy Avisar & Catherine Simonds - Building Social Inclusion for Older people - Session 4


Building Social Inclusion for Older people - Session 4 - Full video


Building Social Inclusion Forum- Session 5

Aunty Sandra Nielsen, Cultural Connect Group & Cody Hood - Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 5


Building Social Inclusion for Older People - Session 5 - Full video


Department of Health

The department encourages all staff working within CHSP service provider organisations to subscribe to receive CHSP Service provider updates. This is a great way to stay up to date with what is happening in the CHSP and aged care more broadly.

Notifications are also published on the announcements page of the department’s website, and newsletters are available here