Wellness and Reablement

The Wellness Approach is expected to underpin all aspects of the client journey from the initial assessment and support planning stages through to service delivery and regular reviews. 

Implementing a wellness approach is about building on an individual’s strengths, capacity and goals to help them remain independent and to live safely at home. 

Reablement is a short-term or time limited intervention that is targeted towards a person's specific goal or desired outcome to adapt to changed circumstances such as functional loss, or to regain confidence and capacity to resume activities.   

Wellness and Reablement Consultant

The role of the Wellness & Reablement Consultant includes:

  • Supporting CHSP organisations to implement Wellness & Reablement (W&R) in service provision.

  • Supporting and facilitating the embedding of Wellness & Reablement approaches and practice with service providers 

  • Facilitating training, forums and partnerships to ensure collaborative approaches to embedding W&R at the regional and local level

Wellness and Reablement Resources

Wellness and Reablement Presentations

The following Wellness & Reablement Presentations are available for Gippsland Service Providers to access:

• Introduction to Aged Care Reform and Wellness and Reablement

• Inclusive Practices to support people with Diverse needs

• Streamlined Service Specific Intake/Assessment

• Service Specific Goal Directed Care Planning

• Monitoring, feedback and review

These will be available via a link on this website shortly: if you would like to access these presentations currently please contact the Gippsland Wellness and Reablement Consultant via email: richard.adams@wghg.com.au or phone 0427 097 308.