Diversity Advisor

Contact: Arfa Sarfaraz Khan, diversity@gms.org.au, Ph. 0437 595 614

Diversity describes the personal characteristics and attributes that help shape who we are and what is important to us.
Valuing diversity and creating an inclusive and welcoming environment is about recognising, respecting and drawing on the positive aspect of difference whilst proactively challenging discrimination and removing the barriers and disadvantage that people can experience. The positive steps we take to empower people and communities to be active participants and leaders is at the core of creating inclusive access. Developing services that respond to the diverse backgrounds, interests and needs of people will ensure they feel valued and are receiving services that are appropriate and person centred.*

* Introduction and image created by Dale Park, Eastern Sector Development Team

* Introduction and image created by Dale Park, Eastern Sector Development Team

The Diversity Advisor’s role is to work with aged care service providers to improve their capacity to remove barriers to service access, and provide safe, inclusive, high quality and person-centred care to the whole population.

The Diversity Advisor role includes:

  • Promoting and facilitating diversity and inclusion planning and practice in CHSP funded organisations

  • Facilitating networks, forums and partnerships to ensure collaborative approaches are encouraged, developed and implemented to promote inclusive practice at the regional and local level

  • Promoting and facilitating education

Diversity planning and practice

Introduction to Diversity - Online / Video Resources

A range of videos and resources have been created with support and thanks to a number of individuals and agencies.


Care leavers

People who are financially or socially disadvantaged

People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

People who live in rural and remote areas

People who are homeless or at risk of homelessness

Parents separated from children by forced adoption or removal



Aged Care Diversity Framework and Action Plans

Under the Aged Care Diversity Framework, a range of action plans were launched by the department in February 2019.

The action plans aim to assist providers and consumers to address specific barriers and challenges faced by:

The action plan for older people from CALD backgrounds is available in 27 languages for consumers.

Other Resources