Introduction to diversity - People who are Care Leavers (which includes Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants and Stolen Generations)


This video is an online resource for aged and community care service providers. The resource aims to promote a basic understanding of the impact of past experiences and how, for some people, these may result in barriers when accessing services.  In this video, Caroline from Open Place talks about how the experiences of people who are Care Leavers can impact access to services and what service providers can do to be more inclusive.

The film clip “Who are the Forgotten Australians?”, developed by the Alliance for Forgotten Australians, is included at the end of the interview (shown with their permission).

Information and resources to further your knowledge:

Aged care diversity framework

Caring for Forgotten Australians, Former Child Migrants and Stolen Generations Information Package, Australian Government Department of Health

Forgotten Australians:

Open Place
Open Place is a support and advocacy service that co-ordinates and provides direct assistance to address the needs of people who grew up in Victorian orphanages and homes during the last century.  

Alliance for Forgotten Australians
The Alliance for Forgotten Australians is committed to recognition and healing for Forgotten Australians and encourages their active engagement in the development of policy and services.

Former Child Migrants:

Child Migrants Trust
he Child Migrants Trust’s independent, professional, specialised service, reunites Britain's former Child Migrants with their mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters and other relatives.

Stolen Generations:

Koori Heritage Trust
The Koorie Heritage Trust at Federation Square takes Koorie peoples, cultures and communities from the literal and figurative fringes of Melbourne to a place that is a central meeting and gathering place for all Victorians. The website contains publications and resources.

Healing Foundation
The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families.

Connecting Home
Connecting Home is a service for the Stolen Generations working across South East Australia.