Introduction to diversity - People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds


This video is an online resource for aged and community care service providers. The resource aims to promote a basic understanding of the impact of past experiences and how, for some people, these may result in barriers when accessing services. In this video, Mersiha from Gippsland Multicultural Services talks about how the experiences of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds impact access to services and what service providers can do to be more inclusive.

A link to the film “Ageing in Australia: The Immigrant Experience, Part 1” developed by the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing is included at the end of the interviews (with their permission).


Information and resources to further your knowledge:

Aged care diversity framework 

Actions to support older CALD people: A guide for Aged Care providers

Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing.
The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing provides expertise in culturally inclusive policy and practices for the aged services sector. They have over 20 years of experience in supporting aged care providers to address the needs of older people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Their website has online training resources.

Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health.
The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health work closely with professionals from health, community and local government services to improve their responsiveness to people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.