Introduction to diversity - People who are financially or socially disadvantaged


 This video is an online resource for aged and community care service providers. The resource aims to promote a basic understanding of the impact of past experiences and how, for some people, these may result in barriers when accessing services. In this video, Sandy and Lisa from Financial Counselling Victoria talk about how the experiences of people who are financially or socially disadvantaged impact access to services and what service providers can do to be more inclusive.


Information and resources to further your knowledge:

Aged care diversity framework. 

Financial Counselling Victoria.
Financial counsellors assist Victorians in financial difficulty by providing information, support and advocacy. In Victoria, financial counsellors are highly skilled professionals who work within the community sector using a framework of social justice and a model of client empowerment. Service is always free, independent, confidential and without conflict.        

The National Debt Helpline.
The National Debt Helpline provides free financial counselling and can refer on to a local financial counselling service.

Financial Counsellors working in the Gippsland Region:

Latrobe Community Health Service (Gippsland) -

Anglicare Victoria (Gippsland) -

Good Shepherd Australia and New Zealand (Morwell) -

Better Place Australia (Traralgon) -

Salvation Army (Leongatha) -

Orbost Regional Health (Anglicare Partnership) -

Rural Financial Counselling Service Victoria (Gippsland) -