The Gippsland Best Practice meeting is open to all providers within Gippsland, funded to deliver CHSP and/or HACC-PYP services. Meetings are held quarterly online via Zoom.

Department updates will be provided, along with presentations by guest speakers and/or Gippsland providers on new initiatives and resources relevant to the sector. The Gippsland Sectoral Development Team will also be available to answer questions on their quarterly reports and discuss items raised.

Providers are invited to submit agenda items and suggestions for guest speakers or topics for discussion.

To be included in the invitation list for Gippsland Best Practice please contact:

Richard Adams e:

Sharon Kingaby e:

Arfa Khan e:

Planned meeting dates in 2022-23 are:

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Wednesday 23 November 2022

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Wednesday 31 May 2023